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Euryka’s Exciting First Week!

Hello to our remarkable community of business and network professionals, advisors, friends, and early backers!

As we conclude our first week of operations at Euryka AI, I would like to take this opportunity to share our progress and the path we are setting towards a future of innovation and collaboration.

Launch and Early Adoption

Our launch week saw the introduction of our product and the onboarding of our first individual account users. The active participation and feedback from our early adopters have been instrumental in shaping the development of Euryka. Your insights are crucial as we strive to refine our platform to serve the needs of creative professionals better.

Support from Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Waterford

We are pleased to announce that the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Waterford has awarded us a priming grant. This support is a strong endorsement of our vision and the potential of Euryka. We are thankful for this partnership and look forward to utilising it to enhance our product, team, and presence in the region.

Team Euryka: Poised for Growth

Behind the scenes, our small but dynamic team has been laying the groundwork for what’s to come. From internal alignments to preparing a slew of resources for our users, we’re dedicated to ensuring you get the most out of Euryka. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog series filled with how-tos, practical tips, tricks, and video walkthroughs.

Platform Enhancements

  • Threads: We’ve made Threads even snappier, with instant launch times that get you to ideation faster.
  • Team Accounts: A significant update is on the horizon. Starting next week, we’ll begin onboarding our early team adopters.
  • UX Polishing: Our commitment to a seamless experience is ongoing. This week, we’ve implemented finer touches, from iconography to tooltips, aimed at enriching your interaction with Euryka.
  • First Run Experience: Designed to optimise your Euryka experience from the get-go, from our new user drip email tutorials to the welcome wizard screen on the dashboard.

Looking Ahead

We are just at the beginning of our journey. With a comprehensive roadmap laid out, we are eager to further develop Euryka, fueled by our commitment to innovation and the valuable feedback from our community. Your ongoing support and collaboration are vital to our shared success.

Spread the Word and Join Our Waitlist

As we continue to grow, we invite you to help spread the word about Euryka. Encourage colleagues and fellow professionals to join our waitlist at and become part of our expanding community. As a token of our appreciation for your support, we’re offering an exclusive 25% discount on our subscription plans for early adopters. Use the code EARLYBIRD25 at checkout to redeem your discount.

Thank you for being an integral part of our early journey. We look forward to achieving many more milestones and successes together.

Best regards,

Dinesh / SAbi and Team Euryka

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