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Exploring the Transformative Power of Generative AI in Business: Insights from the EY Waterford Event

Generative AI in business was the central theme at the recent EY Waterford event, where I had the honour of participating. Held at the Tower Hotel, the event brought together industry leaders, academics, and business representatives to discuss the transformative potential of AI.

Key Takeaways from the Event

One of the standout messages from the event was eloquently put by Ronan Clinton, Assurance Partner at EY Ireland: “AI will not replace humans; people effectively utilising AI will replace humans who don’t.” This sentiment underscores the importance of embracing AI to remain competitive and drive innovation.

Paul Pierotti, EY Ireland Partner for Data, Analytics and AI, emphasised the benefits of early AI adoption, while Gillian Moore, EY Director of People Advisory Services, highlighted how AI can ease challenges and add value for employees. These insights were not only thought-provoking but also actionable, providing a clear roadmap for businesses looking to integrate AI.

Generative AI in Business

Engaging Panel Discussion on Generative AI in Business

I was honoured to be part of an engaging panel discussion facilitated by Helena Hunt, EY Assurance Senior Manager. The panel included Brian McGee from IDA Ireland, Dr. Lizy Abraham from the Walton Institute, and Ross McKiernan from EY. We covered a wide range of topics, from training grants for upskilling employees on AI to the positive impacts of AI on sectors like farming and paediatric healthcare.

One of the key points we discussed was where to start with AI. My advice to businesses is to begin with a specific problem to solve. By focusing on a clear objective, companies can effectively measure the impact of AI and build momentum for broader adoption.

Additional Exposure and Insights

Beyond the panel, I had the opportunity to engage with attendees during a Q&A session and even participated in a radio voxpop on Beat102103 FM. These interactions provided additional insights and reinforced the immense interest and potential that Generative AI in business holds for various industries.

During my radio interview, I emphasised the importance of starting small with AI projects and scaling up as you gain confidence and see results. The feedback from listeners was encouraging, and it was clear that there is a growing curiosity about how AI can be harnessed to drive business success.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Generative AI in Business

The southeast of Ireland has a thriving business community driven by innovation and early adoption of technology. Generative AI will fundamentally change how we do business, and it’s crucial that we are ready to take full advantage of these opportunities. EY Ireland’s investment in their AI Lab and partnership with ADAPT, Ireland’s university collaboration for AI, exemplifies the proactive steps needed to stay ahead.

Businesses in the region are already exploring various applications of Generative AI in business, from improving customer service through chatbots to enhancing product design with AI-driven creativity. The potential is vast, and the early adopters will undoubtedly gain a competitive edge.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the organisers, my fellow panellists, and all the attendees for making this event a success. The discussions and insights shared were truly inspiring and highlighted the transformative power of Generative AI in business.

I look forward to continuing these important conversations and exploring the endless possibilities that AI offers. If you are considering integrating AI into your business, remember to start with a clear problem to solve and build from there. The journey towards AI adoption is filled with opportunities, and the key is to take informed and strategic steps forward.

Thank you once again for a memorable event, and I am excited about the future of AI in business.

Best regards,
Dinesh Lalvani – CEO & Co-Founder, Euryka AI

Waterford Gen 8

Photo Caption:

(Left to right): Brian McGee, IDA Regional Enterprise Development Manager; Dr Lizy Abraham, Walton Institute; Dinesh Lalvani, Co-Founder & CEO Euryka AI; Gillian Moore, Director, EY People Advisory Services; Ronan Clinton, EY Waterford Lead Partner; Helena Hunt, Senior Manager, EY Assurance; Paul Pierotti, EY Ireland Partner Data, Analytics and AI and sponsor of EY’s AI Lab; Ross McKiernan, EY Director, Innovation Incentives.

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